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Four Quarter Bar - Real Haunts in North Little Rock AR

  • 415 Main St.
  • North Little Rock, AR
  • (501) 313-4704
The Four Quarter Bar in North Little Rock has only been open since 2016, however, the establishment is housed inside a building that has been home to various bars since the early 1900s. The location became a hot spot for live music and paranormal activity! Witnesses have claimed to spot a woman in old vintage style clothing who appears then disappears before you can figure out what you’ve just seen. Someone has also been overheard in the bathroom speaking in an ancient-sounding dialect. Delivery drivers have even reported some eerie encounters, witnessing chairs move and sinks turn on by themselves. The staff of the bar has also reported paranormal activity, stating they’ve seen shelves fly off behind the bar during service and an old whiskey bottle that has repeatedly come crashing down. If you’re looking for some good food, drinks, and ghosts – check out The Four Quarter Bar!

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Contact Phone #: (501) 313-4704

Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 34
Clicks to Website: 1
Last edit to this listing: 7/1/2024 (69 days ago)

Disclaimer: Arkansas Haunted Houses does not endorse or support trespassing to visit real haunts. Before you visit ANY local real haunt, make sure to acquire the appropriate permits and/or permissions, and be respectful of privately owned properties. Countless Haunt Hunters have been arrested, ticketed, and reprimanded by the authorities for trespassing. To avoid this, be sure to get in touch with the property owners before visiting a haunt, and respect their hours of operation, local regulations, and rules for visiting at all times. Happy haunting!
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