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Hornibrook House/The Empress of Little Rock - Little Rock AR Real Haunt

  • 2120 S Louisiana St.
  • Little Rock, AR
The Hornibrook House, also known as The Empress of Little Rock, is a two story brick historic home that now operates as a luxury bed and breakfast. The home dates back to 1888 and features a grand Victorian style with a wrap around porch. It was originally built by wealthy saloonkeeper James H. Hornibrook, who is also known to still linger the home in spirit. There have been several witnesses who reported seeing a period-dressed man wearing a top hat, floating down the stairs. A painter who was hired to work at the home was locked out of the attic, although there was no handle or lock on the door yet. When he returned with a screwdriver to let himself back in, the painter saw that the door was now open and the same image of a man that witnesses' previously reported appeared before him.
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Visitors to this page: 1,633
Clicks to Website: 153
Last edit to this listing: 4/12/2021 (1444 days ago)

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