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Liberty Baptist Church Cemetery - Batesville AR Real Haunts

  • Batesville, AR
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Real Haunted Cemeteries
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This cemetery is said to be haunted by eerie lights and an elderly woman's apparition that has been seen in a roacking chair in the upstairs window of the church. A small boy's apparition has also appeared in photos taken at the cemetery, and the ghost of a young woman has also been seen. Many believe she is a woman who was killed nearby in the early 1900s.

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  • There’s something there

    I’ve been there several times and something happened every time the EMF meter went red every time we asked it something. Had bad feeling every time I go there. On ice when setting there asking questions something hit the top of the truck twice. We left in a hurry. Next day went there to see if we had been parked under something. There was nothing that was over the truck no trees, no high line wires. Nothing but sky.

    Posted 10/3/24

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  • Definitely active

    My brother and I went to this location, with an EVP reader. We talked to the spirits there for over an hour. when we arrived, my stomach dropped. I felt extremely uneasy the whole time. We asked if we should leave and the EVP reader said immediately after, “dash” so we closed out the session and said goodbye and finally left.

    Posted 10/4/22

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  • Screaming on the spirit box

    On the way up to the church me and my friends had a bad feeling and as I was investigating solo my spirit box began screaming at me and it was deep as if something from hell had manifested before along with a figure out in the cemetery

    Posted 8/5/22

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  • The real deal

    I have pictures that I have taken of this place. There is a woman in the window upstairs in several pictures. I have pictures of the window the the shades completely closed and pictures from the same night where it looks like someone has pulled the shade partially open and you can see the image of a transparent woman looking out. The lights on the front of the church went out and came back on when we asked if they wanted us to leave. This happened 2 times when we asked again just to make sure it want a coincidence. Really nothing going on with the cemetery. We have gone 3 times and got pictures from the church.

    Posted 9/6/20

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 2,151
Last edit to this listing: 5/3/2017 (2871 days ago)

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