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Hurt Grocer Building - Paragould AR Haunted Place

  • 101 S. Pruett St.
  • Paragould, AR
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This abandoned building is haunted by an apparition that appears in the windows, sometimes that of a man, other times of a little girl.
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  • Hoping to go on Halloween!

    So I’m THAT weirdo that will go into most of any sketchy/spooky/insane….. situations and places. Some People probably think I’m a bit crazy, but then there are most people who try and shame me, calling me the exact opposite of what I really am! I don’t really like the term “ghost hunting” so I’m actually a ghost enthusiast! Especially since I don’t worship satan, I don’t rely on spirit communication for answers to anything bc I’m a child of God! But, I feel like He did give me some sort of gift…. No I don’t see dead people but I have had premonitions that I’d kind of hard to explain! I am an empath and I unfortunately feel things unseen and unheard by anyone but myself at times, not to mention the fact that certain “energies” can make me feel drained and stuff! Like it’s a physical thing too (sometimes, not a lot tho) ……………. Blah blah blah, ok so I have always been drawn to Hurts Grocer Building, and now upon reading the first 2 stories above, i have researched sooooo much and can’t find anything about the original building itself, how old it is, how much history it holds etc. So, please please consider allowing me an opportunity to try and find out all that I can?! Thanks - H. aka Waffle House girl ??

    Posted 10/13/24

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  • Hoping to go on Halloween!

    That’s just so crazy about the staircase but even more insane is the man, the girls, the meat cleaver, making you feel comfortable at first! I would love to hear the “haunting history” of the place but I would love to get in there with my equipment more than a 100 million dollars! I’ve always been drawn to the building, long before I heard it was haunted! Thank you for sharing your experience! -HB aka Waffle House girl.

    Posted 10/13/24

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  • Continuance from I once saw a ghost.

    First off let me apologize for leaving anyone reading this abandoned, by just now finishing story and secondly im not as dumb as my spelling from my earlier writing makes me out to be!!?. I want to blame it on lack of-using spell check lol. So anyway this is where It gets scary , well at least to me, keep in mind i am very well aware of the story of the ghost actually 2 ghost, but there are stories much more evil about its haunts which if I had of seen any of those I”m sure I wouldn't be here to tell this tale. So to get back to the story like I was saying earlier I was trying to make my way back out when I seen the old broken rotted stair case that no one should ever even think of going up unless u like falling threw and ending up in hospital or dead. As I inched towards where the exit should have been it was like it had been moved and I don't say that lightly I mean to a super long distance. That’s when it seemed more like it had disappeared is the best I can describe it. Then I got this strong feeling all of a sudden to stay like when ur home that you belong there. Now mind u I have an attraction to all old building and the architecture however not strong enough to make me feel like im home. It became so strong and I guess so compelling that I turned to my right to find that staircase because I had a sense during all these different feelings I had to go up them Some how but as I made my way towards them i could see a light there but not just any light . If that had been the case I would have thought it was a flashlight or something but in this case it was a dim glow and it looked like a cloud what I could make out. I remember i wasn't scared i felt like i was home with family. I got to the stairs took my time as to not fall thru them and when I stepped down on the last step my left leg broke thru the step all the way up to my knee. Well needless to say it freakin hurt. So soon as the pain went away enough for me to pull myself out I heard voices but again I felt calm and warm and just down right welcomed, but the voices were like a man and little girls mixed together not separate. And the voices all if a sudden went to one and it was of a mans and that cloud of that just appeared in front if me then all those feelings I had went to concerned type feeling overwhelming feeling that something was going to happen but I wasnt scared. The cloud as i call it started to appear slowly as a man figure, his voice was a calm friendly like one tho I wasnt scared of it but still concerned over something. The man now that i was seeing owed the earlier voice then started telling me this us ur home now this is ur home, He went on to tell me to pull myself out of the broken step I have family to meet. I remember that feeling being one of joy like seeing a loved one from long ago and much joy tugging at ur heart. The man ghost look like a very well groomed person one that came from money not any type of bad vibes at all however there was a closed door i could see and the ghost was waving his hand and arm to come here type motioning and a cloud much smaller came thru the shut door made its way in front of me and stood beside the man. By this time I had pulled myself out and was standing on the second story platform to the man and I were almost face to face. My feeling of concern got stronger and stronger but still no fright . Then the smaller cloud started taking a form of a girl maybe 12 or 13 age group. The man looked at me and grinned and told me meet your family and with a quick move upwards with left hand and right hand downwards a meat clever just appeared in his hand he didnt have before and he had handfull of girls hair pulling upwards. The girl screamed a horrifying scream I cant even describe her scream it was so awful and he swung in a downwards motion the meat clever and beheaded the girl her body was still gushing blood everywhere as it seemingly fell backwards off the railing into the darkness of the 1st floor if warehouse.The man held her head up and turned to me and said again u are truly at home my son and all my feelings from earlier turned into raw fear scared out if my witts like never before and then the mans eyes turn black the darkest black i ever seen and if that wasnt enough they turned to a pure evil I could hear and see hell where his pupils should be. I remember falling backwards off the platform into just total darkness but that was it. The next day im guessing it was alot of time that went by I woke up in my car scared shitless keys in ignition with no bumps bruises scratches nothing at all that i had fallen or even dirt rust or spider webs thst would indicate I had been in there. Immediately I started my car and took off to my home my real home. Once there I told my story to my fiance at the time what had happened she checked for any signs if injury found none. And started questioning my sanity. To the point I was thinking maybe she is right.I fell asleep maybe had a bad dream something. And i almost had myself convinced she was right that i never was in that building much less seen ghost how silly. I remembered i had taken pics in warehouse and wasn't expecting to find any at this point and they were there the very pictures i had taken the night before. So never tell me that damn place ain't haunted.

    Posted 12/3/23

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  • I once saw a ghost

    I was there not to long ago. Only reason i took the opportunity anyway is my love for all historic old buildings. So to move on i noticed the door was opened so me being drawn to the building as i was and still am i was just look make sure no one was around and take just a few small steps in try to get pics on my phone. Of course its pitch black in this darker then dark room and you can just feel the damp cold darkness. It by itself was unsettling to say the least but i gathered up my nerves and moved on. I turned the light on my phone on to snap pics and just be able to see because i had no other light source. And i could see vast amounts if space with pipes and who knows what elses from second floor just carelessly put there ready ti break at anytime and come crashing down and kill someone and the first floor was cluttered every square in with junk if all shorts not to mention all the jagged edges of rusted iron and metal waiting for you to rub up against it just the wrong way and cut urself. Spider webs so thick in places u would have to look and find path around them. Now by this time i estimate i was a little past the half way point of the first floor and i was telling myself just the little sounds and all the creeped out Freddy nightmare look alike crap to turn my ass around i seen it lets go and i did to make ny way back out but as i turned i caught a glimpse of the old stairway i assumed leading up to second floor however they were so rotted just by looking i didnt think anyone could use those. Again im telling myself nahh lets go i been in here to long so as i started to move to my exit it seemed as if my exit had disappeared or moved further away or something . To Be Continued if Anyone Interested. Theres more story but at this moment i have to step away and gather myself .To me it was a life changing moment that i still cant believe and goes against what I believe could never happen. And yrs I have been evaluated by Doctors to see if i was but he well the entire team concluded i was sain but under the influence. I dint drink do drugs or even condone it so ok what was it?

    Posted 12/1/23

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    3 out of 3 found this review helpful

  • Not haunted

    Not haunted. This place is a private building that someone has turned into a loving place.

    Posted 1/29/22

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    1 out of 6 found this review helpful

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Visitors to this page: 2,965
Last edit to this listing: 5/3/2017 (2870 days ago)

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