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Monette Cemetery - Real Monette Haunt

  • County Rd. 210
  • Monette, AR
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  (1 review)
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Real Haunted Cemeteries
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Stories say there was once a glass mausoleum at this cemetery that was unmarked, and sealed up with concrete and painted over when the body inside started to decay. The man who was buried inside is known to appear as a ghost wandering the grounds carrying a lantern. His screams have also been heard at night.
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  • The Monette Cemetery is 100% Haunted.

    One day I was out and about, I stay with my grandpa on the weekends in Monette, I walked by the cemetery all the time when we first got into Monette, well one night I was on the road by the water park and I got bored with being there because a lot of people came for a birthday party, So I walked by the cemetery and heard talking, And someone said "Hey! Come here please.... So I was like um no in my head, So this weekend I am going to go back and see if I can catch something on video. It was about 9:35 at night time when it happened so I will be at the cemetery around that time to try and catch something on camera or a voice. It was a wired voice and I just can not explain how it sounded it was scary. So I'm going back Friday because I want to get to the bottom of this haunted stuff at the Cemetery In Monette Arkansas close by the water park.

    Posted 5/6/24

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 1,711
Last edit to this listing: 5/3/2017 (2871 days ago)

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