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Ouachita River Factory - Camden AR Real Haunted Places

  • 2237 Bradley Ferry Rd.
  • Camden, AR
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Haunting reports at this factory include orbs, apparitions that vanish out of nowhere, doors that open and close on their own, and lights that do the same. Voices and an old-fashioned telephone have also been heard here at night.
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  • The truth about the not haunted. Factor which Is a power plant

    The story of this is all made up I'm mean stupid the power plant on the river that was built in the 50S they still use it to this day it's a river powered power plant not no factory sure u can hear phones wringing it's because they actually are becaue it is still in use today

    Posted 11/15/24

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  • Someone told yall a big fat lie

    Omg how did yall get ammunition factory from the waste water plant it's not open to the public and yes you can hear stuff like phones ringing and people talking because it's still in use as the waste water plant that's all it's ever been

    Posted 6/11/22

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

  • Hoax of haunted factory by the river in camden Arkansas

    There is only two factory's on bradley fairy one is the waste water plant and the other has to do with the water also we dont and never had a munitions factory by the river both these factories are both still in use today and they ain't even close enough to the river to hear a phone ring I dont know where your getting your info but it's all either a lie or plain bull crap

    Posted 3/27/21

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  • Not Open To Public

    Mcclellan power plant is NOT haunted & is not open to the public. I have worked here for almost 5 years & this is simply not true. There have been several nights I have spent out here alone & never had any issues.. Also, it is 1625 Bradley Ferry.

    Posted 8/31/20

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    1 out of 2 found this review helpful

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 1,892
Last edit to this listing: 5/3/2017 (2864 days ago)

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