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Henderson State University - Real Haunts in Arkadelphia AR

  • 1100 Henderson St.
  • Arkadelphia, AR
  • (870) 230-5000
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This university is rumored to be haunted by a former student who fell in love with a girl from a rival college. His friends made fun of him, and he ended up breaking up with her due to the pressure from them. The girl was heartbroken and committed suicide. Stories say the girl's ghost comes back to visit every year during homecoming week. She is known as the "Lady in Black."
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  • Strange Experinces in recitle hall

    I'm a music major, currently attending HSU. I usually go to the Russell Fine Arts Center at around midnight to one in the morning to practice for no particular reason. Anyway, I was in the Evans Recital Hall practicing a gorgeous piece for trombone, but when I played a different piece that was heavier, and darker than the previous, I felt a weird energy. I started to get really cold, and shivers went down my spine. A few minutes of this and I was pretty uncomfortable, then something happened that really spooked the shit out of me. All of the lights at the back of the room slowly dimmed to off, but the stage stayed lit. At first I wasn't too worried, so I turned them back on only to walk back out onto the stage and every light in the main room turn off. At that point I packed my things and left. I'm not the one to typically believe in paranormal activity, but that night kind of threw me for a loop. There are plenty of explanations for the lights, but what I can't get over is the feeling I had when I switched pieces. It felt like someone was there with me, listening to me... I just felt awkward being there, like I didn't belong. I don't what this might mean but it definatly scared the shit out of me.

    Posted 9/2/21

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Last edit to this listing: 5/4/2017 (2858 days ago)

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