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Arlington Resort Hotel - Hot Springs AR Haunted Place

  • 239 Central Ave.
  • Hot Springs, AR
  • (501) 623-7771
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  (4 reviews)
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Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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There are a number of hauntings reports at this hotel, they include wine glasses that jump off the shelves without being touched, apparitions wearing old-fashioned style clothing, the ghost of a young girl wearing a pink dress in the lobby, a woman in a wedding gown who stares down into the street at night, a bellman who has been seen wandering around the fourth floor, and a man in a black suit in the laundry area, who often waves to workers. Lights are also known to turn on and off by themselves, taps are known to do the same. There is also said to be an evil presence in Room #824.
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  • The little girl in the dress

    I did not stay at this hotel but went on a ghost tour before coming into the hotel and the hotel called to me for some reason, (I was about 11), I asked my family to go in we sat down in the beautiful lobby and I was entranced by this one dark spot on the ceiling by one of the chandeliers and was instantly sucked into my head just thinking and all of the sudden a black and white photo from the 50’s-60’s with a man, a woman, and little girl who looked similar to Shirley temple probably about 6 or 7 in a very fluffy dress; not long after thoughts that were not my own started wondering where their mommy was. As a little girl myself I didn’t understand and that interaction had me balling for 30 minutes with no reason to my emotion. I went back to the stand where the ghost tour started right before they were about to close for the night and asked if anybody had seen the little girl exactly as I described above and he goes on to tell me about a man who the saw the exact same description of the little girl in the parking garage, but she disappeared into thin air before him so he shared his experience. Our descriptions were the exact same. Such a terrifying but cool experience and I have not been to hot springs since!

    Posted 3/17/25

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  • Arlington

    My girlfriend heard something playing with her open suitcase in the middle of the night

    Posted 9/29/24

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  • Al Capone's room

    I stayed down the hall from Al capone's room about 15 years ago. The first night ,I woke up in the middle of the night. I had a horrible feelingI couldn't stop shaking .Something was terrifying me on the inside. I turned the Christian channel on and after awhile the feeling left

    Posted 9/17/23

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  • Al Capone Suite houses negative spirits

    I stayed in this suite alone and all night was seeing movement in the corners with nothing there. The later the night got the more paranormal the experiences. I began to hear whispers beside me and breathing from what sounded like a person standing right in front of me. When I tried to go to sleep I was taunted by pitch-black apparitions floating by my peripheral. Throughout the entire duration of my stay, I did not feel welcome in the room. There was a very negative weight that you could feel as soon as you walked into the room. I have no plans on returning here.

    Posted 2/12/21

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    11 out of 12 found this review helpful

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Contact Phone #: (501) 623-7771

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Last edit to this listing: 5/4/2017 (2886 days ago)

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