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Park Hotel - Real Haunts in Hot Springs AR

  • 211 Fountain St.
  • Hot Springs, AR
  • (501) 624-5323
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At this hotel, people have reported things that brush past them, but they are unable to see anyone or anything. There have also been reports of people being touched and poked in the corridors of the hotel.
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    I have stayed at the hotel several times and I loved the way you felt like you stepped back in time. I chose it for our family girls trip in the fall; people who don’t believe are now unable to explain what happened scientifically. As we walked down the hallway after exiting the elevator the lights down the hallway turned off ahead of us as we made our way to the two room suite. They did not turn on again the entire trip. There were five of us on this trip, and some of us have always been sensitive to unexplainable things. It’s a family trait. Of course we wanted to test it and decided to talk to some of the energy we felt. As we were talking to this woman, the sink that had been running screeched and the water stopped coming from the faucet. That’s where it gets REALLY spooky. My sister doesn’t believe and didn’t want to get scared, so she had called it an early night and was sleeping in the bedroom. The energy shifted and then we decided that we should stop feeding our attention to it because it felt different. As a candle was blown out, it exploded wax into my sister In laws face and the two non believers were even feeling the creepy aura and were getting really freaked out. As I was sitting there, I said that there were children there. Immediately after I spoke, you could hear doors slamming and footsteps running up and down that dark dark hallway, but no one else was on our floor. It was this moment that my sister wakes up and asks if there were kids in the room, because she had a very vivid dream about kids jumping on her and running around in the room. The running footsteps continued up and down the hallway the rest of the night. The next morning I am looking at the pictures of the night before as we were heading out to dinner. And in one of the pictures outside of the hotel by the chain link fence in the background of a picture my mother, sister in law, and myself is a clear as day face, that’s human but not quite right, down to the facial features, hairline, and nose inside and orb and appears to be passing through the fence behind us. If I doubted my genetic “gifts” before this. I don’t anymore. This hotel is so busy with the energy and noise. It definitely gave us an all access pass to see what it’s made of.

    Posted 3/27/22

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  • Poked by a ghost in forehead pretty sure it happened

    They told us that there are ghost that will poke you. We tried to walk the hallways and had no result. My gal pal had be stay in the bed closest to the door thinking the ghost would get me first. We it worked. I was almost asleep when I felt a poke on my forehead. It felt just like someone poking me with a finger. It was real subtle but definitely easily noticed. I did not feel threatened by it. I just put my head back on the pillow and went to sleep. They say there was a little girl who haunts the hotel and a few others. It sure seemed just like something a little girl would do.

    Posted 5/20/20

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  • 515

    Tried to video record and it kept turning off the camera.

    Posted 6/18/18

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Last edit to this listing: 5/3/2017 (2859 days ago)

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